So the other day I got in a cab, and realized that the cab in front of me was going to the same place as well. Then I thought to myself- wasn’t that a huge waste of petrol and money? If only I knew the person in front, we could have shared the cab, the costs, and the cab driver would’ve saved petrol, and hence saved the environment.
But because we were strangers, we didn’t get on the same cab.
So in the car I started thinking to myself about cabs in the future. Maybe in the future, there would be a sign on top of the cab that displays its destination, via which route, and how many more passengers it can carry. And people who were going to the same place can flag the cab down and join the ride. The meter would calculate when the second person got on and split the remainder of the distance with the new guy and so on.
This would solve problems with not enough taxis going around, encourage carpooling, and who knows, even create relationships between strangers!
Anybody wanna vote me into parliament for ministry of transport?
Fuck me, I’m just babbling lol.
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