The only reason shower heads have settings is because girls use them. Seriously. I mean when have you ever felt the need to change the settings on your shower head when you were taking a shower? Never!
This is what and all a guy will ever need:
The standard setting for all shower heads and those with no other settings. Nothing fancy here, just a normal shower.
These are the other modes offered by some shower heads:
High-pressured shower
Alright some people might like it, but I don’t. The shower head in my toilet was set to this setting when I went in today (which inspired me to write this post), and it felt like I was ripping my skin off! The water actually hurt! Now I can’t see another situation where water flowing at high-speeds is needed (besides the dam..well come to think of it, it is like a dam. Damn.).
We don’t need this-
low pressured flowing water in the center and higher pressure water around the sides. What the hell is this mode for? For getting girls off of course! They’ll use the low pressure water first and slowly build up and then bam! They finish off with the high-pressured water from the sides.
And then there’s
I myself don’t even know what that is. But I’m sure it would work pretty well. There’s like high-pressure, low-pressure, zig-zag streams, spirals, the whole Giant, and a whole load more shit. Definitely not for (most) guys. I speak on behalf of the manly men out there.
Have you guys ever seen the ad which looks something like this?
We all know what she’s really ‘shh’-ing about
This is based on a real ad! Seriously! I’ve spotted it a couple of times on some major highways. If I ever get the chance, I’ll get a picture of it. I mean, how subtle can you get?
P.S. Lame mspaint drawings tonight cos I felt like doing lame mspaint drawings.