Category: Humor

  • What would you do?

    So me, Seng Yip and Alvin have started a new internet show called – What would you do? Subscribe to it at for updates 😀

    Here are the first 4 episodes:

    If you guys have any comments or questions for our superstar, leave them in the comments, and we will do our best to answer them in the future episodes!

  • Don’t fuck around with this dude

    So the other day I was walking to work and I came across this car:

    I was trying to come up with something clever to say, but words just seem to fail me. So I let the pictures speak for themselves.

    All I could think to myself was : wow, the FBI, Mafia and Bandaraya are all working together now!

  • 50798 #2 – Almost Date

    #2 – Amost Date

    (Click for full-size)

    So back in school, only the bravest kids had the guts to ask girls out on dates.
    But guys like me? We had almost dates. A whole lesson of admiring your crush from afar was good enough. 40 minutes of elation 😀