Category: Music

  • ’cause they’re building houses and lights in Tokyo

    California Wives – if somebody told me back in the early 2000s that I would be a fan of ‘indie rock’, I would have just laughed in their faces and said, “Yeah, right.” Well, fast forward to early 2013 (or rewind back from the present date), Jason linked me a song to check out. It was a song called ‘Purple’ from a band called California Wives and from the opening guitar strums, I was hooked. I couldn’t explain the feeling that washed over me. All I knew was I enjoyed it.

  • 10,000 Summers

    While it sucks that bands break up, I’ve learnt how to deal with it. I relisten to old records – after all they’ve already been recorded. They aren’t going anywhere. You can always put them on and listen to them again (just like when your favorite bands change style and you don’t dig their newer stuff). But there’s one good thing can come out of bands breaking up – members going on to form new bands. Case in point: No Devotion.

  • Vidya gaem sounds

    Have you ever listened to a song which made you want to go out and buy a video game or watch a movie? This happened to me a couple of years ago. I can’t remember what or why (it was probably due to a Reddit post) but I was introduced to a YouTube video featuring the soundtrack to Dustforce. Now, the game is pretty big in the indie scene but to someone like me who didn’t really follow it then, I had no idea what to expect.

    Lifeformed – Cider Time
