Category: Music

  • I used to be invincible, so damn sure of everything

    I discovered Hit The Lights many years ago when I was getting into pop punk and their album This Is A Stickup…Don’t Make It A Murder was a random album I decided to check out while scouring the internet for music to listen to (RIP emotorrents). From the opening notes of The Call Out to the closing chants of the acoustic hidden track, I knew I had stumbled upon a gem of a band.

    They had everything I enjoyed in a pop punk band – clever lyrics, palm-mute verses, guitar chugs and catchy choruses. The fact that they also featured Just Surrender’s vocalist (one of my favorite bands then) on Talk Us Down was just icing on the cake. The album didn’t have a single bad song and was worth listening on repeat for months (I still put it on from time to time when I want something upbeat and fun).

    Hit The Lights – Talk Us Down


  • Are you listening?

    While going through my blog history to see which bands I’ve yet to cover, I was surprised to find that Emery was one of them. I discovered them back in college when a friend let me listen to a song called ‘Walls’. Their defining song, and still one of their best songs to date (you cannot not head bang to that sick intro and bridge!).

    Emery – Walls


  • She’s a Handsome Woman

    Panic At The Disco, one of those bands that I fell out of love with after their earlier material and now have grown to love again. It was a magical beginning when I first heard about the band. They were being described as Fall Out Boy with synths. I didn’t know what to expect, torrented their debut ‘A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out’ and was blown away. I kept that CD spinning in my car for months!

    Panic! At The Disco – Time To Dance
