Happy Chinese New Year a few days too late

Like what the title said- Happy Chinese New Year! I’ve been really busy, going out everyday, coming home beat and too tired to post anything. Once working life resumes next week, expect some updates. I haven’t opened my ang pows yet so I have no idea how much money I got this year, but I haven’t made any money from gambling. I lost RM30 to Alvin on New Year’s Eve but pwned him upside down in dota later, which wasn’t worth it. Haha

Other than being busy with CNY stuff I’ve actually been doing some art at home! *Gasp* sounds insane right? I might even get a DA account soon! And join the ranks of those self-proclaimed ‘camwhore artists’. Just kidding, I rarely point the camera at myself, but I do paint on my pc though. And I’ve been working on this comic with James (well he wrote the story, and designed the characters etc, all I’m doing is the drawing and painting). Here is a capture of work in progress-

Line art in MSPaint and painted in Photoshop

That’s all for now. No tentative release date (it was supposed to be 2 weeks ago lol), but I can say expect the first chapter in the near future. Now I’m off to get ready to go out again.

Take pipes, take aim

So the other day I was taking a leak at some public toilet and I heard this man say to his son, “Aim at the fox!”. But the creature in the urinal was a frog! So I thought that it was funny he mispronounced ‘frog’ or he really thought it was a fox. And if his son grows up calling a frog a fox, that would be pretty funny too.

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Don’t you hate it when you use a public urinal and find piss all over the floor next to the urinals? So the other day I devised a machine which would solve the problem which the little aiming frogs couldn’t-

Basically it is a larger basin under the main urinal which collects urine that manages to miss the main basin and pumps it up to a cannon aimed at the user’s face. I think a few sprays of your own piss to your face is enough to deter you from future carelessness. (Unless you’re the sort of person who’s into that sort of thing, then it’s a win-win situation anyway).