The yellow and green packet

You don’t even need a high resolution picture to know what I’m talking about

You know, I just don’t get how some people only use half a packet of seasoning to cook their Maggi mee. I mean really, what’s the point? Don’t waste ingredients! Experience how Maggi is supposed to taste like!

Sometimes when I find two packets of seasoning in one, I practically jump for joy! I set up a shrine, run around it and dance like a mad man to honor the blessing!

The next time you cook some instant noodles, enjoy the full experience– use the whole packet of seasoning!


Been awhile since I drew some ninjas

Have you ever noticed that in cartoons/shows/whatever, people always say shit like ‘Full speed ahead!’ or ‘Maximum power!’. Nobody ever says ‘Half throttle the power! We need to conserve fuel!’

If nobody ever says anything else besides ‘maximum power’, doesn’t ‘maximum power’ become redundant?

There’s some food for thought :p

EDIT : forgot to post this picture I drew:

Early morning blues

So, one morning as I was exiting the condominium, I was greeted by a slimy friend on the card reader:

This morning I was bored at a traffic light, so I took a picture of my jeans

this is what a hardcore Saosin fan wears! (I think I got the jean-scribbling habit from my sister..she started it a long time ago!)

Anyways, I’ll be off to Singapore in a few hours time. Don’t think anything crazy will happen this time around.. but I’ve got my camera just in case. Take care kids!

I’ll be home soon.