Random Photolog 6218438

A few days ago when I was taking a shit, I noticed that the brand of my boxer was ‘Jules’. So I took a picture of it.
Then a few days later, I was thinking to myself which was more disturbing- the fact that I thought about Julius while taking a shit, or the fact that I’m taking pictures of my underwear.

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Interview with Rollerbuzz

So I was looking through a notebook which I started earlier this year and realized that there were some stuff I jotted down which I haven’t had the opportunity to blog about yet. And here is one of them- and interview with my little sister. This happened some time around Chinese New Year, in a car, if I can recall correctly.

How did you come up with the name ‘Rollerbuzz’? (that’s the handle my sister uses online)
I don’t know

Do you enjoy being my sister? Why?
No. Cos you bully me all the time. See what you did to my teeth!*

What do you plan to study after high school?

Do you plan to be a professional badminton player?

How do you intend to turn professional?
Train lah. Train harder. Train till I can beat George Wong

How much angpau do you expect to receive this year?

How will you spend your angpau money?
Travel to Europe

Why do you want to go there?
So I can enjoy myself. So I can see snow, real snow. Go and find Ballack. Go and find (illegible text :P)

Any last words before I end this? Anything to say to my readers?
To your readers? Who are they? Who actually reads this?

After typing this interview out, I realized its pretty bad. I should just get some internet quiz and question her next time. But if you noticed the asterisk (*), which means there’s a footnote, and another story for me to tell!

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Swords, Sorcery and Sex- Whorecraft.

Update 2019: I still see this post being viewed, so I’m guessing people are looking for the show. Fortunately for you I have links. You can watch the first episode here (NSFW obviously) and XNXX has a whole playlist of them. Images were broken when I recreated my blog after the whole hacking incident, but I may or may not try to fix them in the future.

Awhile ago I stumbled onto a site called Whores of Warcraft. Being the curious little boy I am I decided to check it out. Turned out to be a porn site with a twist- the characters were from the Warcraft universe!

So the other day as I was downloading some songs, I remembered ‘WoW’ and decided to check it out. And I was in for a shock. WoW has got to be the funniest porn I have ever watched! There were so many LOL moments from the references to the game that I would consider it more as a comedy with a sexual theme more than a porn film.

Try picturing this- a green skinned girl with two tusks on her cheeks who says ‘Ya man!’ in a Jamaican accent after every few lines of dialogue, and ‘Ya man!’ once again after climaxing when she played with herself. You can’t? Me neither..

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