Category: Pictures

  • Battle Royale Dumbass

    So, if you’ve been to James’ Blog I’m sure you would’ve read about the Battle Royale going on. My character has ‘died’ but there’s a possibility I might return in the future, so go there and vote!

    Anyways, the past few days I’ve been working on the following piece- I spent a total of 10 hours or so on it.. been awhile since I got back into the mood for drawing but anyways, click here to see it. Nothing too spectacular since it’s just a colored sketch, I didn’t even bother cleaning up :p but its an artwork nevertheless, and so I’m setting it as a bench mark for improvement. Each piece I do has to be better than the previous one, and this is the first.

    Comments and criticism welcome. Don’t lie! RAWR!

  • Photoshop abuse.

    I know people have the right to do whatever they want with their pictures and photographs, but if there’s one thing that irks me more than auto playing (of shitty) songs on their blogs, especially when they don’t put a fucking ‘stop (this shitty music)’ button, it is the abuse of (probably the best program ever) Adobe Photoshop. Now, if you think I’m talking about you, don’t worry- I won’t be using any real examples here, but if you’ve been browsing the internet enough you should know what I mean. Photographs horribly photoshopped on blogs and friendster.

    I think there should be licenses for people to use Photoshop. You’d need to pass some quiz before you can use the program. You’d have to go through a color test, a layout test..oh who am I kidding, people would find some way to circumvent the test anyway- like how people crack their pirated versions of Photoshop. Because anyone willing to fork out $999 (USD mind you) on a program should be a genius at his or her craft or an idiot with a lot of money to spend.

    Here are the most common photoshopping atrocities which annoy me-

  • The second post should’ve been yesterday’s

    Well since I wanted to start off my blog with a bang, the second post shall not be as ‘explosive’ as the first, so you kids can catch your breath.

    Welcome to my brand new blog!

    Let’s start with a FAQ-

    Why ‘blorgy’?
    Why not?! I got the term ‘blorgy’ doing my last internet quiz thingy, and since I couldn’t come up with a better name for a domain ( would be too boring) I decided to use it!

    And that’s it! Since nobody has asked me anymore questions, there are no other questions. Simple as that. Well I’ll probably put up a FAQ in my about page if there are enough questions to be answered.