Category: Pictures

  • So today I managed to get onto the train.

    Ever get annoyed with the carriages being full in the morning? Well, have no fear, George is here!

    Today I have discovered (and yet to perfect) this new technique for getting onto a crowded train. And here I am, sharing my secrets with you! Fully illustrated with easy to follow instructions that even a toddler will have no problems understanding it!

    Got a tip to contribute? Want to thank me for this ingenious guide? Leave a comment!

  • The router is king (a whole load of pictures)

    So I haven’t been on for the past few days cos my modem/router died. And suddenly they decide to start working again today. So I’m back in the online world :p

    Well, its been awhile since I’ve posted a whole bunch of pictures, and I’ve been clearing my phone’s memory (annoying process of infra-red phone to blue-tooth phone to pc), and so here are some interesting pictures I’ve collected over the past few months.

    Road sign on the way to the Selangor National State Park.. not very encouraging

    Since Win Yew didn’t play his guitar anymore, I decided to trade my magic cards for his guitar 😀

    Did you know that Ramly made condoms too? Hahaha

    HORSE the band performing

    I encounter 11.34 in with my touch and go card.. evil

    Who would’ve thought you needed to learn how to be sad?

    Alvin’s face in the video game he and Seng Yip almost beat the shit out of

  • All Time Low

    You know the period of time after a haircut, when your hair reaches the length that is impossible to manage? It’s too long to spike up, yet too short to be left alone to fall down. And no matter which way you style it, you still end up looking like you got hit in the face with an ugly stick?

    Yeah, I’m going through that right now.

    So you say, how do you solve that problem? Well, from the following chart which I made up:

    we can see that I have two options- cut my hair again, thus resetting the graph, or just wait it out till my hair grows longer. Since I’m not in the mood for a haircut, I’ll be keeping it long again. How long will it take? Well it depends on whether the hair growing tips on Wikihow work or not. Just kidding.

    Anyways, you can see that you can’t keep your hair too long or you’ll end up looking like an unkempt beggar in petaling street.

    Hope this post saves some lives out there! (note: this chart doesn’t apply to girls- they can usually carry off all sorts of different hair-lengths)

    (EDIT : i just realized that this chart is for me, and not everybody- some people look really good with short, next to bald hair i.e. Scofield (right Vanessa?!) and some people look good with really long hair as well haha, so this chart can’t apply to everybody, but it can be used as a rough guideline- the first low will be the ‘mid-life’ of your hair where it’s too long/short, and the second low will be there only if you don’t look good with long hair. Wow, long edit :p)