Gig #2

Groove Junction, Sri Hartamas
Monday, 12th May
RM 15 cover charge including one drink
There will be another band performing as well

This will be the first time I’ll be playing a full set at a gig!
Bring yourself, bring your friends! Spread the word!

For more info you can contact me at: msn/facebook: or hp: 0123616973

See you guys there 🙂


6 responses to “Gig #2”

  1. TJ Avatar

    good luck!

  2. gerald Avatar

    hey George! you rocked! Was my first time hearing you perform, holy shit @_@

    I took like 3 videos of 3 of your songs, what do you want me to do with them? Upload onto YouTube?

  3. Jakk Avatar

    I MISSED IT AGAIN darn… will there be a gig#3? ;_;

  4. George Avatar

    TJ : Thanks man

    gerald : make me a youtube superstar haha

    Jakk : hopefully! I’ll let you know :p

  5. eriol Avatar

    sorry i missed it again. Let me know if your videos go online anytime.. 🙂

    fix a gig at the end of august? i’ll probably be back then haha

  6. George Avatar

    eriol : I can’t promise anything, but I’m gonna try and gig at least once a month 🙂 If I have any gigs, I’ll be sure to post them on my blog!

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