I am an inconvenient thing

Welcome to my timely update which always seems to come before or after every Big Bad Wolf Sale! Not much to add besides that I’ve been extremely busy (like how I’ve been throughout the whole year) preparing for the grand finale to 2016. Also, I’ll be headlining with The Sounds of Kites on the 22nd of December at Bullseye Publika for my 103rd gig (shit, I’ve only played like 9 shows this year). More details on that another day. UPDATE: GIG HAS BEEN CANCELLED.

So what should this post be about? I don’t really know myself. Just that I haven’t written anything substantial recently and figured since I had some time on this fine Saturday afternoon, I’d do something productive. Currently drinking a Long Black coffee at Doiffee – best coffee I’ve ever had and will continue to have as long as this place stays open (fingers crossed).

It’s December now. It’ll be December in a year. The Boston Majors start tonight (I’m rooting for Ad Finem btw, those guys are legit), so I’ll have some bedtime streams to watch. My MMR hasn’t risen much – at least I’m in the upper half of 2k now (still shit at the game, mind you). Oh, are we doing reflections now? Okay, let’s do some reflecting.

It’s been two years since I completed my Nanowrimo novel. It’s still unedited. I don’t know if I’m ever going to edit it. Fuck, time sure flies.

I’m not doing online courses anymore (again, due to lack of time), so I haven’t been gaining any new skills out of work. It’s probably time to focus on improving the skills I already have – as well as improving in my work.

This year went by and I’m not any closer to making my own game. Sure, I created a demo game by following a bunch of tutorials but my own game which I drafted a design doc for is nowhere to be seen. I know using work is an excuse for not having any free time is lame, so I don’t have anyone to blame but myself. If I really wanted to spend time developing my game, I would have done it instead of wasting time playing games. I’m going to try prioritizing it more in the upcoming year.

I’ve still been dabbling with music – in fact, I started writing a new song which I hope to finish in time for my gig on the 22nd. No, I didn’t manage to write a happy song but whatever. I’m gonna just write what I enjoy writing, which leads me to a video Jason linked me a couple of days ago – a video about forming good and effective habits to be a better artist. I watched it and was immediately inspired to create more songs. That’s how powerful it was. If you have an inkling of creativity within you – be it drawing, writing or making music – give it a watch. It isn’t that long but it is infinitely beneficial if you don’t already practice what the presenter spoke about:

I also picked up a Novation Launchkey Mini a couple of months ago – making music with keys is extremely difficult when you have no music theory or piano knowledge. However, I’m not giving up! Look out for DJ Quas Quas Exort in the future (kek).

This year I’ve treated myself to a lot of electronics. Not bragging or anything but I’ve gone from a membrane keyboard-toting pleb to someone with a different mechanical keyboard for home and work. Thanks Seng Yip, I wouldn’t have made the switch without your influence. Also, let’s blame the convenience of online shopping. Haha. Next is a nice desk and maybe a nice chair to go along with it.

I have finished paying off my car debt FeelsGoodMan. I now have one less debt to pay and more pocket-money (also, potential savings) each month. I guess one of the perks of being thrown into adulthood and given adult responsibilities when all your friends are still enjoying life is that you finish paying off your debts earlier than them. Hurrah for irresponsible parenting! I kid. Thanks dad.

Well, I’m not sure what else to write here so I’ll just end it.


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