If there’s one thing I think I’m great at doing – it’s keeping myself busy. I don’t remember the last time where I sat alone in my room pondering my existence and wondering what I should do next. I know when I told people I was going to resign without a job lined up, I was told many times that I’d be bored as fuck and that I’d be longing to work again. So far, that hasn’t yet. Maybe it’s because I haven’t had a chance to properly relax for the longest time and now I’m finally getting to do it. Or maybe it’s because I haven’t been jobless for long enough.
Whatever the reason is, it doesn’t really matter, I’m not bored at all. I’ve been spending my time catching up with friends, watching movies and shows, performing at gigs and playing games (Cuphead rules). Next month, I’m going to attempt Nanowrimo again, so that should take up my whole month. I’ve got some ideas for my next novel but haven’t settled on one yet. Also, my last novel remains unedited, but it’s okay, it doesn’t need to be read by the public haha.
I’ve got some song ideas that I want to work on and I want to head to the studio to record my second EP. I’ve also got a gig standing in as a bassist for the Propositions next month, so I’ve got plenty of things to do (in addition to writing for this blog). I also have Inktober to catch up on, which I’ll do this weekend. Also, I want to start my first game which I’ve put on the back burner for the longest time.
I’ve been keeping myself busy.
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