• It’s Called What’s It Called

    The other day, someone asked me, “Are you happy with life?”
    Without thinking much about it, I said, “Yes”.
    He continued, “What makes you happy?”

    I was stumped. I didn’t know how to respond. It’s something I never thought about. I just assumed that being happy was good enough. I didn’t need a reason why.

    You see, I’m easily content – at least with most things in life. I’m not the pickiest eater. I don’t have the strongest preference for particular cuisines over others. It all depends on my mood.

    If I’m hungry, I’ll go to a restaurant that doesn’t have a queue. If I’m not that hungry, maybe I’ll explore and try something that I haven’t had in a while. Other times, I simply return to my comfort food, chicken rice.

    When it comes to ambitions in life, I don’t dream of being rich and successful. As long as I don’t have to worry about food on the table or having a place to call home for me and my family, that’s good enough.

    If I have enough disposable income to fund my hobbies, great! There’s not much else to ask for.

    Perhaps I’m speaking from a position of privilege and what I’m easily content with, is something other people can only dream about. But there are also people who have what I have and yet they want so much more to be happy.

    Long story short, I guess I can say I’m happy because I’m living the life that I’ve always wanted. Could I be happier? Of course. But so can everybody.

    I was too lazy to ramble on about my thoughts, so I simply replied, “Because I’m not sad,” which was also true.
    He didn’t let up. “What makes you sad?” he continued.

    Again, I was baffled.

    I could have given a vapid reply like people and pets I care about passing away and breaking up – but those things make everybody sad. It doesn’t make me special.

    I’ve been thinking about it over the past few days and I couldn’t think of anything. Maybe the saddest thing that could ever happen to me right now would be Hot Mulligan breaking up. I would be devastated.

    But then again, did I need a special reason to feel sad? I’m just a regular human being, like everybody else. I’m not more important than anybody, in fact, I’m probably less important than a lot of people in this world.

    He wasn’t asking me for a unique reason to be sad, yet I was searching for one. Why did I put myself through so much pressure? I have no idea.

    In the end, it didn’t matter, as other people arrived and our conversation was drowned out. I took my drink elsewhere and participated in shallow chit-chat with other folks. Perhaps in the future, I’ll be able to answer with certainty.

    Are you happy with life?

  • Gig #127: Twenty Eight Bar Reopening

    It’s a bit last minute, but it’s not like this blog is the pinnacle for updates on more life. Then again, where else would my lovely readers learn about my activities? Oh right. My non-existent life updates on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, of course!

    Isn’t it funny how I use the slowest medium for the most time-sensitive developments? It doesn’t matter, but also, I don’t know why I ask myself these questions in the middle of the night (or morning), a few hours before I have to head into the office.

    Enough rambling, just a quick post to say I’ll be playing another show at Bar Twenty Eight in Telawi, Bangsar on Monday night. Apparently, they shut down and re-opened next door (26 Telawi now), so it should be a momentous occasion of some sort.

    The video above is a recording of my May 8th performance.

    Google Maps | Instagram | 19 June | 8 PM

    I have the 10pm slot, so feel free to drop by and chill if you’ve got nothing going on! See you guys there <3

  • Gig #125: Monster and Beer; Gig #126: Twenty Eight Bar

    Gig #125: Monster and Beer; Gig #126: Twenty Eight Bar

    Been swamped with work but I swear I’ll get around to adding more random thoughts to this blog. For now, I’ll share some gig updates.

    So after dipping my toes into the open mic scene again, I’ve secured myself another 2 slots in the coming days. One is later today (Sunday, if you’re reading it now) at Monster and Beer and the second one being another slot at the Twenty Eight Bar Open Mic the day after.

    First up, Monster and Beer. They’re back with a second round of their open mic (not sure how often they do it, but this is 2.0). I’ve gone there a few times only to drink and had no idea they had gigs there until recently, so that’s exciting. Plus it’s a weekend, so more people can attend (yay).

    It’ll be a brand new crowd since the lineup is everyone I don’t recognize. Hopefully, they vibe with acoustic emo tunes. The show starts at 4PM, and my slot is at 6PM, but stick around for some tasty craft beers and enjoy all the acts. There’s also food on site and plenty of restaurants nearby.

    Google Maps | Instagram | 28 May 2023 | 4 PM

    The next gig will be on a Monday night, my third appearance at Twenty Eight Bar, Bangsar. Was asked to take up a slot since they didn’t have enough sign ups, so if you’re interested in performing, sign up for a slot! Hit them up on Instagram. The gig starts at 8 PM and my set will be at 9.30 PM.

    Google Maps | Instagram | 29 May | 8 PM

    Looking forward to playing these shows, as usual, come hang if you’ve got nothing going on. I’ll try to make it worth your while.