Raging Inside Me

“All memory of your existence will be wiped from reality. You will die, and no one will mourn.”

“And that is how I would like it to be.”

“No, wait – then why would this be your punishment? That doesn’t make sense – you’re not supposed to get what you want!”

“Well, it’s too late now, I’m here and you have to obliterate me.”

“No, there must be a mistake…”

“I assure you, it isn’t. Now, erase me.”

God looked me in my eyes – I had him in a bind. He couldn’t break his own rules or the universe including himself would cease to exist. I had already set my plans in motion, this was the final step. Too bad I wouldn’t be around to indulge in the aftermath.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.

Writing Prompt from Reddit: [DP] “All memory of your existence will be wiped from reality. You will die, and no one will mourn.”


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