The day I didn’t die

Never mind the messed up rear of my car.

These could’ve caused an accident.

The other day onto work, my car brakes failed. Thank God it happened at a toll and when there weren’t many cars. I had to use my 1337 e-braking skills to stop the car at the side of the road. Turns out that my car ran out of brake fluid and my brakes were totally worn out. I don’t know how it happened, but I remember hearing weird ‘pop’ noises from the side of my car when I was driving it early in the morning, and then my car being slower than usual (I had to step on the gas alot to accelerate)- it felt like my brakes were constantly on while I was driving. I was contemplating going to the office first and then only going to the workshop later.

I wonder how that would’ve turned out.

Sometimes I don’t know what to believe in- coincidences? God? Destiny? I’ll never know.

Like awhile back, I was totally broke- it was nearing the end of the month, but I hadn’t got my pay yet. I only had RM10 in my wallet and RM10 in my bank account. My car petrol tank was at ‘E’. I had no idea how I was going to survive the following week till I got my pay. That very night, I won Employee of the Month. RM100 in cash. That was a real life saver. I never felt more thankful that night.

Was it a coincidence? Was it God? Was it karma? I don’t know.

All these things happen all the time. Not only to me, but to other people as well. Near death experiences? People write books, come out best sellers and make a fortune. Some people aren’t that fortunate. What makes one person more deserving than another? I guess I’m happy to be alive.


9 responses to “The day I didn’t die”

  1. Gerald Avatar

    holy shit dude! that was wayyy dangerous.

    karma is a bitch sometimes, especially in the parking lot

  2. jessica Avatar

    careful arrrrr..please do call, miss call or text me when u ever need help la k!!

    Employee of the month and more months to come =D

  3. Van1ty Avatar

    Lukily my fren here is pr0. =D

  4. moy Avatar

    whoa.. man that’s real messed up. the damage is hurting my eyes.

    regarding the karma thing, i guess it’s all about staying positive and optimistic. and everyone who knows u can frankly say that u are always at the top. i believe in that sort of thing.

  5. George Avatar

    Gerald : haha yeap :/

    jessica : if only :p haha

    Van1ty : I learned everything from you sifu!

    moy : haha, you can buy me a new car 😀 I don’t think so about karma.. even bad things happen to good people

  6. Sunflower Avatar

    Wow, glad you are okay. Scary!

  7. George Avatar

    Sunflower : yeap 🙂

  8. Daniel Avatar

    Wa that brakes are polished cleaned man! When was the last brake change?

  9. George Avatar

    Daniel : after that incident I changed my brake pads :p no idea when the last one was haha

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