The follies of owning a 17 year old car.

So the other day my car battery died again. And I was inspired to draw this comic.

(Click for fullview)


6 responses to “The follies of owning a 17 year old car.”

  1. Jamie Avatar

    How annoying! Liking your comics tho, especially the Daydream one below!

  2. bananessa Avatar

    hahaha awhh man. You make jokes out of tragedies–you should be given a medal really 🙂 I like the 4th & 5th picture. Subtle ;p x

  3. Chung Sin Avatar
    Chung Sin

    lolz..time to sell ur smelly box

  4. George Avatar

    Jamie : thanks! stay tuned for more comics in the future 🙂

    bananessa : glad you noticed haha… it is my mission to entertain!

    Chung Sin : for what? and buy a motorbike? hahaha

  5. Chung Sin Avatar
    Chung Sin

    buy a bicycle…the best most reliable thing!

  6. George Avatar

    Chung Sin : feet are more reliable!

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