Twenty seven and counting part one – marriage.

Twenty seven. Not a big deal – but since I rarely write about my birthday, I figured why not start this year? It may be the last year I get to live anyway (thanks for instilling the fear in me, Roland Emmerich! Funny enough, I still haven’t seen the movie yet).

Another year has flown by, and while I still haven’t done anything significant (like sew a shark onto my chest) or made an impact to society – I’ve made some substantial changes to my life.

I quit my blogging job to work in PR. Sure, my plan to become a teacher and leave the country didn’t work out – but hey, there’s always next time, right?

I’m still not married. A lot of people I know got married this year and no, I don’t feel the pressure to hop on the bandwagon but that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it (however ridiculous it may sound). I don’t have any specifics, but it should be awesome. The room will be filled with people I know and care about – not strangers who are there just to help cover costs (assuming they give angpaus haha).

The projector will probably be screening Dumbass the movie. Or an awesome animation like Paper Man. I’ll perform solo and with The Wishing. The fried rice will actually be good, and all the dishes will be served at once, so there’s more time for drinking and partying. It will start on time, and it will be in a convenient location. And the waiters, waitresses, and emcee will be dressed up as characters from Adventure Time. If I could afford it, I’d get Daniel Tosh and Louis CK to do stand up as well.

The soundtrack for the dinner will be lifted straight from my MP3 collection – which means we’ll all get to listen to Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, Spitalfield, The Spill Canvas, and Light You Up. Hell, even Basshunter and The Medic Droid will be blasted through the speakers.

Anyway, I digress..but dinner is here and I’m starving.


One response to “Twenty seven and counting part one – marriage.”

  1. Matthew Chung Avatar

    Ya, it’s a great idea to shun the traditional Chinese wedding dinner junk. Planning to do a small one for the oldies, then have a separate party for friends, lol.

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