Yay! I officially microblog now. My Twitter posts are now up on my blog (look to the sidebar on the right). You can also follow me @goodnewsgeorge on Twitter.
I will be performing my last show of the year:
Date: Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Time: 9.30pm til late
Venue: Artista @ Tropicana City Mall
Provided there are any open mic slots left at the gig. Haha. I know, I’m so last minute and all that, but I didn’t know if I was going to be attending the gig at all. So if I don’t get to perform then my gig last week was my last one 😛 I’ll keep you guys posted on Twitter.
Happy New Year everyone! I will write something meaningful on this blog before this year ends. I’ll hold myself to it.
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