Category: 2storeyheart

  • Slight update

    Been reaaaaaally really busy with work/recording/having fun(haha) so i’m sorry for the lack of updates. With my internet at home being down 6/7 days of the week doesn’t help either. Will update soon this week.

    In the meantime, I’d like guys to take out your pencils and paper- cos I have this fantastic idea for an album cover, and it needs all you people 😀

    I want you to draw a picture of me in a wedding suit. (No not a bride’s dress, but groom’s tux or something along those lines). It doesn’t have to be incredibly detailed or complex, or fantastic, whatever, I’m accepting anything. Just a simple drawing of me dressed up, front view, standing straight, hands by the side. A full body drawing if possible, if not I’ll just make do with it. Submit your drawings to me at and let me know by dropping a comment here, just in case it ends up in my spam folder :p

    Sorry I can’t pay you for your masterpiece, I’m short on cash myself, BUT- your name will be mentioned in the cd’s liner notes! No color drawings- just black and white. If you don’t have a scanner, draw it on paper, and take a good quality picture of it and send it to me (make sure you’re taking the picture right above the paper so the perspective isn’t altered). If you don’t know what I look like (how can you not?! gasp!) refer to my facebook/pictures of me floating around the internet. I’m pretty sure I’ve drawn cartoons of me before, open your eyes!

    Submit them to me by the 8th of May. Thank you!

  • 2storeytreat #5: Sherlock Holmes

    Part 5 of my 2storeytreat series

    Sherlock Holmes

    You can stop pretending, this charade is ending
    I can see through this, I can see through you
    I know what you told me, was just what you told him
    With a little twist and change, of places and names

    You’re lying to me
    I don’t need to be
    Sherlock Holmes
    To figure out what’s going on

    Situation’s changing, you can’t stop complaining
    I can see you want out, why don’t you just ask out?
    I know that it’s over, we just can’t be lovers
    What’s the point of fighting now? If it won’t sort things out?

    I can see that you’re doing all these things
    That you’re not proud of and you really
    Don’t want me to see or catch you in the act

    You’re lying to me
    I don’t need to be
    Sherlock Holmes
    To figure, to figure you out

    So, this song actually began with the main riff repeated throughout the song- I was in the shower and suddenly I just hummed that tune. I quickly finished bathing and figured out how to play it on guitar. I recorded it and then figured out a chord progression and the music was done. I think the lyrics came a few days later when I had an idea about writing a song about a relationship falling apart from lies.

    The lyrics are pretty straightforward. It wasn’t based on a real experience (I don’t think I’ve been cheated on before haha) and I like how I managed to write a song using ‘Sherlock Holmes’. I don’t think there are too many songs out there with the same title either.

    This is one of the few songs that I’ve actually written with a lead guitar part that goes on throughout the whole song. So when I play it live, I have to hum the riff at the start. More worthless trivia for you guys :p

  • 2storeytreat #4 : Car Crash Hearts and a Love Letter written by a half-dead Romantic

    So recording has been going great so far. Guitars are now done, so recording the vocals will be the next step. And probably the hardest part. Let’s hope I don’t screw it up. I probably won’t, with my band of merry friends to watch over me. lol

    This week, I’ll be writing about one of my favorite songs I’ve written. Probably the most ’emo’ as well. The breakup song.

    Car Crash Hearts and a Love Letter written by a Half-Dead Romantic

    I got tired of fighting
    We were fighting for nothing
    Nothing made you happy anymore
    I’m sorry this happened
    I just don’t have the patience I used to have

    And this silence isn’t helping, I wish that we could talk it out (And this silence isn’t helping, I wish that we could talk it out)
    And this silence isn’t helping, I wish that we could talk it out

    People change, I guess I did
    But what’s wrong with change? (But what’s wrong with change?)
    I guess you don’t know me anymore
    Maybe I’d like to keep it that way (Maybe I’d like to keep it that way)

    But I don’t need this guilt trip
    (I’d rather crash the car and end it tonight)
    I really don’t need to hear this out

    Delete all the photographs
    Throw away the ticket stubs
    Bury the flowers with the bear
    In your garden before you go

    I really hope you’re happy
    I really do
    I don’t want you to cry

    Don’t even think about me
    I can’t make you smile anymore
    Forget my name
    And forget my face

    I loved you
    I loved you
    I loved you

    I wrote this song a short while after I broke up with Raelene. Its basically about what I felt after we broke up. How we were arguing all the time and how I seemed to make her cry more than smile. When we were still on talking terms, she said that I changed, which I guess I did after we broke up, and I thought to myself ‘what’s wrong with change?’. The lines This silence isn’t helping.. referred to how our conversations never went anywhere and didn’t seem to help fix things.

    So finally, by the end of the song, I’m telling her to let go of everything and to leave me behind (she was supposed to leave the country).

    In this age, we don’t have anymore physical photographs, and so deleting them is the normal thing to do, though burn would seem more poetic :p The ticket stubs referred to all the movie ticket stubs we kept over the years. Every time we watched a movie, I would keep one stub and she the other, and I would put mine inside an envelope, collecting every movie we watched together. The bear referred to a significant gift I gave to her as a present. She named him Mr. Brown (not important in the song- just things I remember) and she used to hug him to sleep every night. Bury the flowers with the bear in your garden before you go.. She was supposed to leave the country, and so I figured burying the past before she left would help her to forget me.

    This song has the longest song title ever. It refers to the analogy I came up with about how relationships are like cars on the road. There always needs to be some sort of friction between the wheels and the road (between the couple) and how if everything is smooth sailing all the time- the wheels lose their grip and cause the car to slip off the road. Therefore a break up would equate to a car accident. The love letter refers to this song, and the half-dead romantic- me.