Category: Dreams

  • You know you love your job when.. dream about your office. haha

    A few weeks back when I was in Singapore, I had this weird ass dream that I saved on my phone-

    I had a weird dream last night. Inspidea expanded and I came back to work in a totally brand new office with tonnes of new people and new equipment.
    Loads of people left their guitars in the office.
    We had a massive library, comparable to Kinokuniya and a quite number of hot chicks.
    But all I could think of was, “Fuck! All my mp3s are gone! What’s Jason’s share? It’s not ninos-13! I hope he copied all my songs!”

    The reason for my lack of updates- computer has been screwy for awhile and I only finished formatting/reinstalling all my stuff a few days ago. Now its fixed and I’m back online, so clap your hands and dance to some FTSK!

  • Dreams are meant to be shared.

    And so the other night I had this crazy ass dream and I managed to remember most of it! Since I’m bad with words, I decided to do some illustrations to go along with them.

    Yeap you guessed right, there is a part 2 that I will post when I’m done editing. 😛

  • The return of the lamb.

    I had a two dreams last night.

    First dream-
    I went to church. There was a cell group meeting going on and when I went into the room and sat down, all the people in my cell started whispering to one another. And then suddenly, one person started clapping, and then the whole room followed. It was like a miracle had happened or something. Then I woke up from my dream and thought, ‘hey! maybe it’s a sign to go to church’. I checked the time- it was 11. I was late. Then I went back to sleep.

    Second dream-
    This one was pretty stupid. It was so random. It started out at work, and I got a call from Alvin and the IMU bunch to go play DOTA at some cybercafe nearby. I tried to start my car and it wouldn’t start cos it was on all night playing music. Somehow in my dream I confused the music coming from my pc was coming from the car instead :p After that, when I reached the cafe and was looking for parking, my car somehow folded up into some pocket sized thing and I was carrying it in my hand looking for a cheap car park. And then I don’t remember what happened after that and I woke up.

    “Dedication takes a life time, dreams only last for a night” – All Time Low