How far we’ve come..

So I was on MSN chatting with Alvin when he started belting out the lyrics to matchbox twenty’s latest song. First thing that came to mind:

Makes sense, no?

Look what came in the mail a few days ago- all the way from Australia, thanks Hui-Xieng!
(check out my sexy beard + mustache combo)

Now you can show your boyfriend why you bought this shirt for me! :p

You know, I’ve found myself.
No I’m not coming out of the closet. LOL

I really feel like I’m meant to be an entertainer. Not necessarily a performer, just someone who entertains people with music, art, whatever. I don’t know why, but its just what I like doing the most. Seeing people enjoy whatever I do, that gives me the greatest satisfaction. So I think I could be happy doing just about anything, as long as people are entertained by it. That’s why I try to write songs that people can relate to, draw funny pictures, and write stuff that I would enjoy reading myself. Whenever I write a blog post, I have to read it first and see if I would enjoy reading it. If I don’t, I usually don’t post it.

I clicked ‘write’ and came to this page.

It’s been awhile since I blogged, and figured that I should force myself to write something. Why?
Because I paid for this domain name and webspace! It would be a waste of money if I were to leave it stagnant. And so from today onwards, I will blog at least once every two days. Hell, on some days I’ll even blog twice in one day!

So kids, be sure to keep your fingers on the refresh button just in case I update out of nowhere. I’d update so fast it’ll be like a punch to your face (from my fist through your monitor.. yeah, its true, look closely at that faint circle in the center of your screen.. WHAM!)

Anyways, its merdeka eve tomorrow! I hope everybody gets wasted and pukes on themselves. Cos that’s something everyone ought to experience once in their life, and what better time to do it than on a day when you can wake up on not worry about looking shit faced at work or at school the next day? Exactly. And I want to plug Su Ann’s ( awesome post on Merdeka. Go read it!

So the other day I got a message on friendster about one person’s mission to bring Dashboard Confessional to Malaysia. I got linked to this website, and on it was some sort of petition. I thought, ‘hey, that’s a pretty neat idea!’ I would so kill for Dashboard to come here. And I hope it happens before I’m forty. I can’t imagine turning up at a dashboard concert in 20 years time with all these teen girls around me, and I’d be yelling to them ‘play Saints & Sailors!’ and the kids would look up to me and give me a look as if I was at a wrong concert. And someone would tell me ‘dude, that was so ’01! get with the program!’ and Chris Carrabba calls security to get the old geezer out of his concert. But anyways, if you’re a fan of dashboard, and believe in fairy tales, go to the Bring Dashboard Confessional To Malaysia Campaign website, and sign up! It wouldn’t hurt, and it wouldn’t hurt to try. Advertise it on your blog! Tell your friends about it!

And to conclude this post, I shall leave you with a drawing of some sort.

I call it ‘Tauren-style!’ Anyways, I don’t know how this sketch came about. I was just thinking, and all of a sudden I thought of a blood elf fucking a tauren. I don’t know if its male or female, but its funny as hell! Well almost as funny as the picture I drew of a teddy bear blowing himself:

Post your ugliest pic.

Well I was tagged by June a long long time ago to post the ugliest picture of myself. Since I couldn’t go through my old ass photos of me in high school I found this photo taken a few months ago when I was in Singapore. It’s pretty ugly and funny at the same time.

So I’m gonna tag everybody who has ever commented on my blog before :p Nobody’s gonna end up doing it anyway, but if you do, let me know! I’m gonna add something to it- post the ugliest picture of yourself, and post the best picture you have of yourself.

Update on the shirts: 100% of the profits will be given to charity, so its like donating rm30 and getting a free shirt or buy a shirt for rm30 and helping charity at the same time. lol