Category: Pictures

  • Dreams are meant to be shared.

    And so the other night I had this crazy ass dream and I managed to remember most of it! Since I’m bad with words, I decided to do some illustrations to go along with them.

    Yeap you guessed right, there is a part 2 that I will post when I’m done editing. 😛

  • Out come the claws

    I have a confession to make.. I watch Malaysian Dreamgirl.
    I bet that was abit unexpected. But then again, I’m always full of surprises- next thing you know, I’m gonna have some nuffnang ads on my site.

    Just kidding. Haha.

    But yeah I’ve been watching MDG and wow, those girls are vicious! I don’t know if it’s just me or whether they do it just cos they’re on camera, but most of their comments towards each other are pretty spiteful despite the show only being 4 episodes long (as of now I haven’t watched the 5th one). And its not like the show is scheduled to run 7 episodes long right? Spread the drama out! 2 girls have already quit. I found that pretty funny- it’s like they couldn’t even get the girls to stay on long enough to be voted off.

    Other than those minor gripes, the show has been pretty interesting and there are some pretty hot girls on the show. And if it matters, my bet is on Cindy. HOT HOT HOT. *drooool* Full of love and care? Winner of winners? Bachelor in Contemporary Arts? Where do I sign up?? but why did they have to cut her hair?! I re-watch Episode 1 just to see her in that red dress. mmmmmm

    So, the other day I was watching MDG and realized she had a tattoo of a bar code on her arm! How cool is that?! I wonder what her serial number is. Anyways this idea just popped into my head and I painted it-

    Viola! Malaysian Dreamgirl fanart!

    (will someone submit my blog entry into the dreamgirl blog contest? I really want the RM500 Wella Professionals hamper or Escada fragrances. I kid, I kid!)

  • Jumper

    So I caught Jumper today. And it was an enjoyable flick. Like what my sister said it’s a ‘guy’s chick flick’- it has everything a guy would want in a movie- cars, girls and special effects. But besides Hayden Christensen’s emotionless acting, the rest of the film was pretty good. His sidekick Griffin stole most of the good lines from him (he deserved them anyway), and Samuel L. Jackson is bad ass as usual. Effects were top notch, and by the end of the film it made us (actually, mostly just me) ‘jump’ all over the shopping mall and car park. HAHA. I’d give it a 7/10.

    The only thing that didn’t happen that would’ve made the movie a 10/10 (IMO)-