And so, I still haven’t got my internet back yet- but the streamyx people told me it would be this week, so let’s just hope they deliver. I have loads of stories to share, but no time to blog them when I’m out, so stick around for a while more! This blog isn’t dead :p
And just a quick announcement, I’ll be performing at the doppelganger open mic stage on New Year’s Eve at Soho KL, around 5-ish. So if you’ll be there for NYE, do come check me out!
My gig on Sunday was amazing! Loads of friends turned up, the acts were solid, and everyone had a great time. Definitely looking forward to more doppelgangers like the last one!
And I just gotta plug my favorite band this year: My Favorite Highway. I’ve been listening to these guys all week on repeat non stop, and they’re now up there as one of my favorite bands of all time. Check out Getaway car, Steel City, and Simple Life. They aren’t heavy and they write great tunes with great lyrics. Band of the year for me 😀
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