M&Ms (are better than Smarties)

I don’t think I really need to explain anything


7 responses to “M&Ms (are better than Smarties)”

  1. Alvin Avatar

    thats so dirty

  2. shasha Avatar

    whats the joke??
    i need an explanation -_-

  3. Van1ty Avatar

    Alvin’s just jealous.

  4. Alvin Avatar

    ya i am, no one ever asked me to melt on them before..

  5. Van1ty Avatar

    I know.

  6. jessica Avatar

    Gong Xi Fatt Cai!! heheheheheee see u on new years day!! 😉 Hugs!!!

  7. George Avatar

    Alvin : no it’s not

    shasha : there’s no explanation :p

    Van1ty : check out PATD’s new song man, its damn nice

    jessica : I did! *hugs* haha

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