Quiet Places ☕️

Whenever I found a cafe that fit what I deemed good, I would visit it to death. Sometimes literally. 

The cafes I enjoyed visiting would have one of two outcomes: they become popular, overcrowded and noisy, making me not want to visit them or they stay nice and quiet but eventually shut down.

So what makes a cafe good?

  • They serve reasonably priced coffee which I enjoy (non-fruity/acidic Americano/Long Black).
  • They have a quiet and comfortable environment, good internet, conducive for working.
  • They are in locations that are easy for me to get to with no parking difficulties.
  • Their business hours fit my schedule—I love cafes that don’t close and are open during public holidays).

I don’t think this list is excessive, and it’s not like I complain or leave bad reviews if a cafe doesn’t meet my needs–I simply don’t visit it and look for an alternative. Lists like these make it easy for me to determine if I’m going to frequent a cafe.

But the other day, after the closure of another cafe I frequented, I started thinking to myself – maybe it’s not a coincidence that all my favorite cafes died. If we reframe how I determine the goodness of a cafe, it can seem pretty selfish:

  • A cafe that serves exactly the kind of coffee I like—none of that fruity, acidic nonsense. Just cater to my taste buds, please.
  • A cafe that lets me hog a table all day, guilt-free as if it’s my personal co-working space.
  • A cafe so quiet that I’m the only one there. Other customers? Who needs ‘em?
  • A cafe with perfect parking, meaning it’s not busy enough to attract too many people.
  • A cafe that stays open whenever I need it to—public holidays included. It exists to serve me.

Since I don’t make up the majority of the population in Kuala Lumpur, these traits are a death knell for any cafe looking to survive in the long run. Which is my list of favorite cafes has morphed into a casualty list:

  • Doiffee (the best, my favorite cafe RIP)
  • Since 18s (not dead, but moved somewhere inconvenient for me, so basically dead to me)
  • Sudo Brew (was my go-to place for public holidays and late nights, gone despite a rebrand)
  • Zus Taman Desa (still alive but too noisy now)
  • Mister Coffee Taman Desa (didn’t die either but became popular and too noisy to work in)
  • Dose N Mega (my pre-gym hangout, was a dead cafe but great for working in)
  • LDG Brasserie (my second pre-gym hangout after Dose N Mega shut down, now also dead)

So yeah, either I’m the cancer, or I have a thing for doomed establishments.

Lately, I’ve been hunting for new cafes to haunt, but the perfect spot has been elusive. Coffea Coffee has been decent—when it’s not too busy. Sparq at Bloomsvale Shopping Gallery has been my go-to for weekend mall trips, but who knows how long that will last?

Nice and quiet

If you have any suggestions for cafes that fit my selfish needs, let me know so I can pay a visit and curse them too.


One response to “Quiet Places ☕️”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    That’s a good idea of frequent cafe visits but don’t let the owner know that “ their business will closed” after your visit etc”……… for whatever reasons???

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