I need a helicopter
I probably wrote this when I was stuck in a traffic jam. Imagine if you had a helicopter, you’d take like 15 minutes to get to work each morning, you wouldn’t have any traffic jams to endure, no worries about finding parking spots (nobody else parks on the rooftops), and you look cool coming in to work. Helicopters- way to go!
I hate fucking cars with no brake lights
I wrote this after almost colliding with the car in front of me when I was driving on the highway and the car in front of me suddenly stopped. I didn’t notice till I was about a meter away from it. Go change your light bulbs assholes!
The random factor. When you shake someone’s hand, you never know what he was doing. Five minutes ago he could’ve been digging his asshole. Treat everyone like they’ve been digging their asses all day
I have no idea what the fuck I was thinking about this when I wrote it, but I assume it’s some half baked theory which I didn’t manage to complete. Be wary of the hands you shake!
I find it very ironic that I could bare my fucking heart and soul to the world through my blog, but if I were to do the same thing to my family instead, my tongue would probably malfunction
Is it just me? Or do most bloggers feel this way? There’s something about whining in text that makes it so much easier than whining to somebody else.
Head massages are awesome, next time when I’m rich..
I wrote this after I went for a haircut awhile ago. They washed my hair before they cut it, and the hair washer must’ve done a great job. Head massages are awesome. Next time when I’m rich, I’m gonna hire someone to wash my hair! haha.
Why don’t they give you straws when you drink..
Chinese tea or water? Seriously, they give you straws for every other drink you other at your local coffee shop, but you never get any straws when you order water or Chinese tea. What gives?!
People take cartoons for granted
Nobody can truly appreciate a cartoon till they know how much work is put into creating a single episode of a cartoon series. Let alone full-length feature cartoon movies. It is insane. Animators are like ants. And they both start with ‘A’!
(shitty artwork done in Paint because my tablet driver seems to be corrupted >:( )
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