
..I still don’t have internet. Big surprise. Haha
Blogging at my cousin’s place, just so you guys know that I’m still alive. Happy New Year to everyone, whether you’re chinese or not. Work starts tomorrow, another week to go by.

How I’ve been spending my time internetless:
Sleeping more
Going out more
Playing DOTA
Playing Guitar (new song in the works! yay!)

I recently got a new guitar 😀 and I’ll be checking out the recording studio soon, I wanna get my EP done. But I’ve been thinking of including my newer songs in my EP since they’re more ‘fresh’ but the would be out of line with the theme idea I had for my EP.. but we’ll see how things go. Anyways, I have something planned in the upcoming weeks for you 2storeyheart fans (lol all 3 of you) on my blog, so stick around 🙂 (hopefully my internet will be back soon, I’m gonna give tm yet another call tomorrow)


7 responses to “So..”

  1. zan Avatar

    r u gonna draw phoenix wright on ur new guitar? that new song ure working on better be Objection!! 😛

  2. moy Avatar

    Hmm, what’s an EP?

  3. Alison Avatar

    hey!!!can’t wait for the surprise but most of all can’t wait for the EP.i want to buy it.put up pics of your guitar!

  4. shasha Avatar

    i want to be in the thank you section of your EP! =D

  5. Isobel Avatar

    heyy i’m a 2storeyheart fan too… albeit a closet one. *shy* 😛

  6. polina Avatar

    put me in ur thank u section too 😀 bahaha

  7. George Avatar

    zan : haha not yet.. it’s too nice to ruin now :p

    moy : go wiki it haha EP – extended play.. basically a mini album of around 6 songs

    Alison : thanks for the support. I will soon, when I take some pics of it 🙂

    shasha : only if you contribute to it! 😀

    Isobel : I bet you’ve never even heard my songs before! (don’t go to myspace now just to prove me wrong) haha

    polina : since you’re one of my few german fans, I’ll put you in haha

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