Yet another offering of random messages saved on my phone..and something to do with Kiwanis

It’s that time of the year again! When my phone keeps reminding me that I’m low on memory (maybe it is time to get a new phone), and so I have to delete all these random messages I keep saved in my phone.

Why do bikers check their wheels while moving?? Not like its gonna fall out!

Seriously, I have been driving behind way too many bikers who pull off these stunts. I mean, what the fuck are they trying to achieve? If it was something so important, couldn’t they have stopped on the emergency lane to check their wheels? These bikers have come close to causing accidents numerous times, and this trend doesn’t seem to be dying out either. One day a biker is gonna check his wheels and fly headfirst into a lorry. Then he will learn his lesson.

I hate fucking spiderwebs. Why must they spin them in places where I walk through? Don’t they know they can’t possible trap me with their puny webs?

How many of you have walked face first into spiderwebs? How many of you have actually enjoyed it? Please raise your hands. No don’t raise your hands, I can’t see you, I haven’t installed a hidden cam in your room..yet.. And for the majority of you who didn’t raise your hands (yes, I don’t know how I know you didn’t raise your hands but I know you didn’t), you understand how I feel. The feeling of something you can’t see, touching your face is just.. disturbing. (No it’s nothing like the ass of a ghost on your face, but that’s a different story for another day) I was supposed to draw a picture to accompany this message, but I forgot what I was supposed to draw, and therefore I have no picture!

You know what the best part of a song is? The chorus. Why? Because it happens at least 3 times during one song, most of the time, so it has to be catchy or something people would like listening to. That’s why good choruses are so hard to write. It can save a song with shitty verses

Don’t think that needs any additional explanation. Besides the fact that choruses are really hard to write. Good ones anyway. And I don’t think I’ve written a good chorus before.

And to end this post, I would like to advertise something that the company I work for is doing (in case you didn’t know; Inspidea)- they are organizing a fund raising event to support Kiwanis (a foundation for kids with Down Syndrome). Since I have a readership of about a thousand hits a day (I’m just kidding, I barely hit 90 haha), I’m helping to promote and advertise this event. It’s going to be held sometime in September I think, I forgot the details, I will update more when I confirm them. In conjunction with the fund raising event (there will be games, music, activities for kids), we are also selling cool T-shirts. They go for RM30 a piece and if I’m not mistaken all proceeds will go towards charity (again, I’ll need to get my facts straight :P) but anyhow they are really well designed. In fact I got myself 2 of them. Here are some product shots of the shirts for sale:

Each one has an interesting science fact except for the last one which has the names of the people involved.

Do you know? Eating banana makes people happy

Do you know? 70% of your body weight is made of water

Do you know? Just like thumb print, all of us have different tongue prints

So if you guys are interested in purchasing these shirts for a good cause, let me know! Leave a comment, SMS, or send me and email/add me on msn:

I will post more updates about the shirts and upcoming events. Stay tuned!


8 responses to “Yet another offering of random messages saved on my phone..and something to do with Kiwanis”

  1. chrissy Avatar

    Ship me one 😀

  2. Kinson Avatar

    I want the drinking water one !

  3. jsze Avatar

    mat rempits rempitz! any sort of bikes on roads are a dread to drive along with..they come both sides! tell me to drive to which side then? aha..ish..bikes and cars dont get along well at all..

    i hate webs..and yea all sorts of creepycrawlies too ahha..:P

    mr.songwriter! 🙂 any new songs latelY? 🙂

  4. jsze Avatar

    btw the banana one is so cute..aha go eat some pisang now 😛

  5. Silencers Avatar

    I laughed and choked at the ‘ass of a ghost’ part. I can almost imagine the drawing that would accompany it.

  6. George Avatar

    chrissy : if you’ll pay for it :p

    Kinson : alright, I’ll talk to you more bout it 🙂

    jsze : no songs at the moment.. been working on a few but never finished any :p

    Silencers : I’m glad you laughed.. lol.. one day I’ll find the time and inspiration to draw loads of funny pictures

  7. […] Remember this? Well the charity event will be held tomorrow (in a few hours) at Bangsar Village 1. There will be a coloring contest (for kids), selling of the t-shirts, caricatures and a musical performance by a quintet (I’m one of them!) The event will be on from 11am-8pm. Saturday and Sunday. So head on down (bring your kids! or someone else’s kids! kidnapping is not a crime if you return the child lol) to Bangsar Village tomorrow and give all your money away! It’s for a good cause, and 100% of all proceeds will be donated to charity. We aren’t making anything from this event, so don’t think its some evil corporate scheme to steal money from innocent people! Stay for the show, throw tomatoes at me if I suck! […]

  8. […] a strand of hair on my tongue. Don’t you just hate that feeling? It’s almost as bad as walking through spider webs. And it doesn’t happen only when you’re eating. Sometimes you’re just minding your […]

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