Gig #83: Barlai again

Nothing much to add except that I’m dusting off my guitar again and have another show lined up for tomorrow. I’ll be back at Barlai again, and there’s gonna be some familiar faces in the lineup so it should be a fun night! Anyway, hope to see you guys there. Come show your love! <3

The Barlai Open Mic is a brand spankin’ new biweekly open mic night which happens on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Sign up by dropping us a message on the wall below or emailing us at

The Barlai Open Mic nights this July are going to be a little bit more special. We’ll be collecting donations for the Mount Kinabalu guides whose incomes have been greatly affected by the recent earthquake. #sayangkinabalu

2030 Gregory Srikrish Ramanado
2045 George Susej Wong
2100 Zach Sia
2115 Ashes and Oak Trees
2130 Ariff AB
2145 Izzul Syafiq Mazlan
2200 Ray Cheong
2215 Ian Tai
2230 Ruben Kelvin
2245 Shaneil Devaser

The Barlai Open Mic is geared towards solo/duo/trio acts with the limitation of one microphone input and one instrument input. Think intimate evenin’. 🙂

Facebook page
Date: 23/7/15
Venue: BarLai
Time: 8.30pm – 10.30pm

GIG #81: 10:45 Amsterdam Conversations

Wow, I can’t believe I haven’t played a show since May. I guess my plans to play 25 shows in 2013 can go out the window :’) it was ambitious, but due to me lacking the motivation past the first few months of the year, and the amount of things I have to do in my free time it just wasn’t possible (or I wasn’t dedicated enough). My plans to record the EP also didn’t pan out. The Wishing hasn’t played a gig in months either. It’s like nothing musical has been working out for me. Oh well. Regardless, it’s time to put an end to this dry spell. Last week, I received a message from Reza inviting me to play for this show. Needless to say, I accepted. So, if you’ve got no plans this Tuesday, do drop by to say hi and watch me perform!

Show info:
Tuesday, 10th December 2013
The Bee, Jaya One

I hope to see you guys there!