Sans-Capoeira/Shoe Shops/Plagiarism

Was gonna post a video of my colleagues doing a capoeira dance in the office, but for some reason it won’t transfer from my no video!

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A while ago when I was at a shoe shop waiting for Raelene, I realized that its a pretty common sight to see a guy waiting for the girl he’s with at a shoe shop. Then I thought about what a conversation with one of them would be like.
“Shoe shopping again?”
“Yeah, you bet!”
“20 pairs of shoes since we got together..and it doesn’t look like she’s stopping anytime soon!”
“Only? My chick’s getting her 30th pair today!”
“I don’t understand them”
“Me neither.”
“Hey we should hang out”
“Err..sorry, I’m not that kind of guy..”
“No you don’t get what I mean!”
“Honey! Let’s leave!”

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Another thing I’ve noticed online- the plagiarism of blog posts. I mean seriously, why do people do it?! It’s not like they’re being graded for what they write online! People go to your blog because they wanna know how you think/feel. They don’t really give a shit if you write really bad or not, if they did, they wouldn’t be coming to your blog in the first place. If they wanted to know how you were doing, they would read it, regardless how horrible you write. Blogging isn’t a fucking competition. If you want fame, start a porn site, way faster, and nobody’s gonna accuse you of being a copy cat. Cos if you steal from other blogs and try to pass them off as your own writing, people will eventually find out, and then you will be ruined.

To everyone who’s ever been plagiarized, my hat’s off to you for writing material worth stealing 🙂

Stories from the toilet seat

I wrote this message on my phone while on the toilet seat at work:

Every time I take a shit at work, I think to myself “thank God that my office has nice clean toilets!”
It isn’t dirty, the seats are clean, and the soap smells good. What more could you ask for?

Like the other day, I went to the toilet in Yuen (I forgot the name of the place, its some famous steamboat buffet in Sunway), the toilet looked like this:

Man, I didn’t even dare to touch the flush handle to see if it worked. I just used the standing urinal next to it and got the hell out of there. Filthy!

Anyways, this is what my office desk looks like:

Dual LCDs and a sweet Wacom tablet 😀 Oh the fun of dragging things around 2 screens!

The yellow and green packet

You don’t even need a high resolution picture to know what I’m talking about

You know, I just don’t get how some people only use half a packet of seasoning to cook their Maggi mee. I mean really, what’s the point? Don’t waste ingredients! Experience how Maggi is supposed to taste like!

Sometimes when I find two packets of seasoning in one, I practically jump for joy! I set up a shrine, run around it and dance like a mad man to honor the blessing!

The next time you cook some instant noodles, enjoy the full experience– use the whole packet of seasoning!