Movies worth watching.

So this is just a filler post, haven’t come up with anything substantial 😛
but anyway, recently I’ve been watching a few movies and here are my opinions on them:

Cloverfield : This movie should have been titled: NOKIA. Haha..anyways I thought it was over-hyped. Not a bad film by any means, but I really expected much more after hearing about so much about it. I loved the whole concept and idea, and thought it was shot really well at the beginning (Beth..mmmm), but towards the end it got a bit boring for me. 6.5/10

John Rambo : 2 words- fucking violent. Definitely not for people with weak stomachs. But if you can stand the gore (like me) then it is a truly enjoyable movie. Action packed, though quite short and the way the last battle ended seemed pretty weak. But definitely worth re-watching on DVD. 8/10

Meet the Spartans : funny from the beginning to end (literally– stay after the credits, LOADS of extra footage). Some semblance of a story line (the 300), and loads of modern pop culture references. So if you’re not up to date on what’s going on in Hollywood and the internet you probably won’t get quite alot of the jokes (like almost half of the screening room I was in- hardly anybody laughed at the youtube part for some reason!) loads of great gags, though I thought the dance-off was too long. 7/10 just cos it kept my sides splitting from start to finish.

Sweeny Todd : I’m a sucker for musicals. I don’t think I’ve ever disliked a movie musical that I’ve watched so far. Sweeny Todd is no exception. Right from the beginning all the way till the dramatic finale I enjoyed every bit. Great style, art direction and even vocal performances. I didn’t expect the twist at the end either. Tim Burton and Johnny Depp should just get married and keep making movies together. 9/10.

Okay that wasn’t too many movies..but may my post be somehow useful in someway to somebody!

A series of unfortunate events.

Today was a pretty eventful day.

I took my car for servicing in the morning. Some of my speakers are busted.

I had to go to work (not for the whole day, but still!).

My atm card got stuck in the machine– and came out a few minutes later. (I panicked for a moment)

A friend of mine had his house ransacked. But the robbers were pretty stupid– they left 2 laptops, an iPod and a ps3 alone, while rummaging through the whole house and only taking some alcohol.

I heard another story from another friend: his uncle gave a robber a cash check. The robber tried to cash it in at a bank..and he got arrested on the spot. LOL

I watched Beowulf in the cinema and it was probably one of the worst movie experiences I’ve ever had. Some asshole sat next to me and throughout the whole show he kept talking out loud! To his friend! Who was seated a some couple of seats away! Behind him! Whenever some titties came on screen or something exciting happened, he would go ape shit and mutter some unintelligible sentences. I wonder what would happen if he ever saw a real girl naked in front of him. He would probably die or something. And he wasn’t even sitting in the right seat! And to top it off- he was one smelly fucker. People like him don’t deserve to watch movies in cinemas. In fact, they don’t even deserve to watch movies.

One more person to add to the list of people I hate.

But Beowulf was a pretty good movie. The graphics were amazing (though some parts reminded me of Shrek), and storyline just passable. But it could have done with more action sequences. But it was an enjoyable movie. Some parts were censored in the cinema though. Gotta get the dvd version to see what was cut out.

On the way home I encountered another bunch of mat rempits. Doing ‘superman’ and weaving in and out of traffic.

Its been awhile since I’ve had any awesome dreams. Work is stressful like a motherfucker. It’s still the same, it hasn’t changed, but I don’t know why it’s gotten harder. And is it so hard to learn from mistakes? Fuck! I thought humans learn that fire is hot by touching it. They never make the same mistake again. Maybe I should bring a fucking torch to work and burn some fingers each time someone sends me a half-assed done scene.

2 Movie reviews (kinda)

Do you ever notice when you’re in a rush, all the roads seem to be jammed? But when you’re not in a rush, the roads are never jammed?
Why is that?
Is there some conspiracy going on? Why do they play such games with us?

So anyways in the past few days I have watched a couple of movies at the cinemas. And I am going to give you my thoughts on them.

Rogue Assassin
This movie has got to be the action movie of the year (so far) for me. It is damn good! Swords, guns, cars, girls, fighting, killing and more fighting. Every guy’s wet dream! Who gives a shit about the flawed storyline (the ending really brings the whole movie down, I felt that they could have done so much more, or they could have just made it a straightforward action movie minus the ‘twist’). But from the start till the end, every bit was enjoyable. One of the better action movies to come out this year. 7.5/10

The Invasion
I went into the cinema expecting a snore-fest because Raelene told me that the movie got bad reviews (and with only four hours of sleep the previous night, I thought that I might fall asleep inside the cinema). I was pleasantly surprised. The movie was actually pretty good. They shouldn’t have made the show turn into another ‘zombie’ movie half way in though, it was fine before that. The movie didn’t need zombies! And ending was way to easy and happy. Kinda like the War of the Worlds. Ended way too easily. For fans of Nicole Kidman. And invasion movies. 6/10