How far we’ve come..

So I was on MSN chatting with Alvin when he started belting out the lyrics to matchbox twenty’s latest song. First thing that came to mind:

Makes sense, no?

Look what came in the mail a few days ago- all the way from Australia, thanks Hui-Xieng!
(check out my sexy beard + mustache combo)

Now you can show your boyfriend why you bought this shirt for me! :p

You know, I’ve found myself.
No I’m not coming out of the closet. LOL

I really feel like I’m meant to be an entertainer. Not necessarily a performer, just someone who entertains people with music, art, whatever. I don’t know why, but its just what I like doing the most. Seeing people enjoy whatever I do, that gives me the greatest satisfaction. So I think I could be happy doing just about anything, as long as people are entertained by it. That’s why I try to write songs that people can relate to, draw funny pictures, and write stuff that I would enjoy reading myself. Whenever I write a blog post, I have to read it first and see if I would enjoy reading it. If I don’t, I usually don’t post it.


10 responses to “How far we’ve come..”

  1. Van1ty Avatar

    OMG! What’s up with the beard? You look like a real ching chang chong chinese man now. Haha.

    That aside, I just wana say, as a friend, you always entertain me. So keep on entertaining. I jus hope I’m there to watch & listen. =D

    2StoreyHeart FTW!

  2. gerald Avatar

    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHaa omfg! the resemblance is just uncanny.

    I tried ID4!! oh man i dunno wut to say, it sucks but soo good at the same time, LOL

  3. sam* Avatar

    u really have that beard and mustache combo??

  4. Alvin Avatar

    Ching chong chinaman, trying to milk a cow.

  5. starcrossedangel Avatar

    for the love of god, please shave.

  6. James Tan Avatar

    darn u’re hairy man

  7. SmartWorker Avatar

    Workload must have up to you neck. No time to shave.

  8. George Avatar

    Van1ty : haha thanks for your kind words :p

    gerald : I tried ID4 again today.. it’s soooo hard!

    sam* : yeah I got tonnes of points for that combo :p

    Alvin : trying to milk you

    starcrossedangel : never!!! thanks for the shirt though!

    James Tan : real men are!

    SmartWorker : nah, I’m just going for the homeless man look

  9. jsze Avatar

    Lol..hahaahahaa u look just like the emo kid in tshirt 😛

  10. George Avatar

    jsze : you mean he looks like me! haha

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