Traffic cops are a fucking menace. Never in my life have I ever exclaimed to myself, “thank God there was a traffic cop!” When are they ever helpful? NEVER!
Why are they there to replace perfectly working lights? I understand the reasoning for them to be there when the lights are broken. But when they’re not?! Since when can a man do a machine’s job better? The fucking machine was built for this very purpose. A machine that doesn’t know anything other than to regulate traffic flow. Its very reason for existing is to guide cars! And this cop can do it better?!
It would be funny to see a traffic light kill a traffic cop. Even if I was the one who rammed into the traffic light and made it fall onto the policeman. Serves him right for trying to ‘ease traffic flow’.
Everyone knows that traffic police are rookies anyways. These guys should be given better things to do– like patrolling the streets looking for mat rempits to strangle rather than wasting their time breathing in carbon monoxide in the middle of rush hour traffic.
I realized I wrote about traffic cops awhile ago as well. See how much they infuriate me?! Even now, 5 months later, things haven’t changed.
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