Goodbye iPad 2

Thank you for the wonderful memories, my skinny friend. Oh how you were ridiculed when you first came out. People calling you names akin to what women use when their aunts come to visit. ‘It’s just a larger iPod Touch, why would anyone want one?’

I know I wasn’t a true believer until I received you as a present (thank you, friends. You know who you are). You changed my life for the better. You made life more tolerable for the month I was in Phuket. You also kept me entertained for the week when I was hospitalized after I returned. Thank you for streaming The International 3, 4, 5 and the Frankfurt Major without any hiccups. Your 10 hour battery life is no joke (at least until I updated to iOS 8, why Apple?) – not having to charge you every day was amazing.

While you didn’t have my favorite operating system (but jailbroken iOS 5 did a lot of things right until iOS 7 came along), you did prove to me that iOS could work wonderfully for tablets. You were definitely miles ahead of all the other tablets I had tried out back then.

Thanks for letting me blog and check my emails on your large display. Thank you for letting me sketch and paint with my fingers. Thank you for recording my various demos on GarageBand (probably the biggest app I’ll miss). Thank you for streaming episodes of TV shows and movies through VLC Streamer so I could watch them on my bed. Thank you for not making me squint while reading ebooks and comics. Thanks for letting me FaceTime with my friends and family.

It’s been a good run we had, and from now on, you’ll be showing Thomas the Tank Engine and Surprise Egg videos to baby Max. I’m sure he’ll treat you well. He can’t seem to let go of you whenever he comes around to visit. See you soon!

Hello, sexy.

Safe and sound in my hands after the SIRIM debacle.


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