You know you’re getting old when your definition of a good day is reaching work on time.
The other day I had my job appraisal and it was pretty much full of shit. I haven’t been living up to my bosses’ expectations for the past couple of months and I guess it showed. Not being able to lead well, missing deadlines, proposing stupid ideas, slacking at work, and so on. My fault? Probably. The incompetent.. whatever. Since when did I start ranting about work anyway? haha.
I got the whole week to think of 3 goals which I want to set for myself next year. And one of them has to be related to work. It’s kinda important. I guess its gonna determine my future in the company. However bleak/promising it seems/sounds.
Anyways, onwards to less depressing stuff– it’s baby Jesus’ birthday today! (not according to some people though).
SmartTAG should be renamed to DumbTAG. Because the amount of jams it causes is appalling. I face the DumbTAG jam at least once a week. I don’t get how the shitty thing malfunctions once in awhile. Shouldn’t it be working all the time or not at all?! I, myself have caused such aforementioned jams and have nobody to blame but the little white box on my dashboard. Kinda embarrassing having to turn on your hazard lights, reverse and switch lanes. But it’s not uncommon and people expect these kinds of anomalies to happen.
Just like timing. Is there any other country in the world with Malaysian Time? Are we so backward that even our concept of time has warped with our brains? And the other day I heard about people getting arrested for downloading stuff off the internet? You know, if stuff was actually available for purchase here, people wouldn’t have to download so much shit. I for one would gladly buy CDs of the bands I listen to if I could actually find them in CD stores here. What about tv shows? Why can’t we get comedy central? or Fox? seriously, Astro doesn’t need so many channels. More than three-quarters of those channels are shitty. What’s with the mentality of quantity over quality?
Which brings me back to.. and we’ve come full-circle again.
Have yourselves a Merry Christmas and a fucking brand new year.
Here’s something that I think would make even Julius proud
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